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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

10th Grade World Lit: Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hello and happy Tuesday! No video for today - sorry! Thank you to everyone who filled out the check-in form yesterday - it was good to hear from you about how you are doing! 😊

Remember this is something new for all of us, and I want to remind you again, that you are doing an amazing job!

As always, please remember to reach out to me directly if you have any personal worries or concerns about the assignments for this class. I know that working at home can be a rougher transition for some people than it is for others (I certainly am having my own troubles with staying focused 😅), so remember, while you should try to have your work done by the due dates posted on the blog, I will be extremely accommodating and flexible as we go through this virtual learning journey together - just keep me in the loop!

Today, is TED Talk Tuesday! You're going to do the same thing you did for TED Talk Tuesday last week. Also use today as a catch-up day for your Research Mini-Project if you are behind.

Assignment for Today:

What's Due Today?

Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing any links or submitting your assignments. Remember that I am available via email (amanda.egbert@cobbk12.org) and through Remind.