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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 2-6: 9th Grade Lit and Comp

This Week: This week, we will continue our study of short stories with a focus on irony and symbolism.

**Please keep track of your reading guides for all the stories we read this unit - they will be due on the day of the test (currently scheduled for Thursday, September 19, but subject to change). If you need an extra, all assignments are linked on this blog and there are a limited supply of extras in the black binder labeled for your class in my room.**

Monday, September 2:
  • Labor Day - No School
Tuesday, September 3:

Wednesday, September 4:
  • Work on One-Pager (due Friday, September 6 at the beginning of class)
Thursday, September 5:
  • Meeting with Counselors in Media Center
Friday, September 6:
Next Week:
We continue our short story unit, and do Unit 3 Vocab.

Important Dates:
  • Friday, September 6: "The Necklace" One-Pager Due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, September 12: Unit 3 Vocab homework due
  • Friday, September 13: Unit 3 Vocab Quiz
  • Monday, September 30: Have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee in class.
    • If financial difficulty prevents you from obtaining a copy, please notify me ASAP at amanda.egbert@cobbk12.org, so I can make arrangements. Conversely, if you can donate a copy for a student in need, your help will be greatly appreciated!Image result for to kill a mockingbird