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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Research Paper Tips: Conclusion Paragraph (10th Grade World Lit)

Follow your Formal Outline to make sure your Conclusion paragraph includes the following:

  1. First two - three sentences: Final Summary - Give a final summary that relates back to your thesis and the the overall topic of your paper. For this last summary, you may include information about how the book ends.
  2. Next two - three sentences: Re-state thesis and the main points of your body paragraphs - This is where you are going to tie all the parts of your paper together. Re-state your thesis and main points alluding details you included in your body paragraphs. What big detail from each main point really drives your thesis home? Be specific, but brief.
  3. Final one - two sentences: Final Wrap-up - Tie everything in your paper together with a final statement that connects to a theme of the novel. What is the biggest point that you want your reader to take away from your paper? 
The following is the example for Life of Pi that I showed in class. Please note that it DOES connect to my sample intro paragraph because re-states my thesis and the main points from my thesis.

Throughout Life of Pi, Pi overcomes struggles that that even the most experienced sailor would not be able to survive. He spends 227 days on a lifeboat with a limited amount of supplies and a 450-pound tiger as his only company. While many would struggle to overcome the obstacles Pi faces, Pi is able to survive by using his instincts to think of solutions quickly in his times of need. Additionally, he uses his knowledge of zoo keeping to tame Richard Parker, and he copies the behaviors of animals by using them as guides to help him collect the water and food he needs in order to stay alive. By quickly acting on his instincts and knowledge, Pi displays a perseverance that allows him to survive situations where most people would fail.