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Monday, March 16, 2020

10th Grade World Lit: Monday, March 16 AND Tuesday, March 17

Welcome to our first day of virtual learning! I hope y'all are well and ready to embark on this journey together! This week, we are going to finish our unit on Night and then embark on a podcast mini-unit where we will research the history pandemics and other diseases throughout history.

**This is this the blog post for BOTH Monday, March 16 AND Tuesday, March 17. Please note that I am giving you TWO days to work on this assignment.**

Assignment for 3/16 and 3/17:
  • Night Test - since we had to switch to online learning, there will not be a traditional, multiple choice test for Night; instead, follow the directions below to complete the test assignment:
    1. Download the Test Document
    2. Read and/or listen to Elie Wiesel's Speech "The Perils of Indifference"
    3. Pick ONE of the prompts and write a three paragraph response
      • You do not need to format your response in MLA format, but please use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, and include your name on the top of the page
    4. Upload response to turnitin.com
      • Email me or send me a Remind message if you face any difficulties turning in your response

PDF of Night

**You will need to incorporate two pieces of textual evidence from the text into your response. Remember to use lead-ins when incorporating quotes into your sentences. Also remember to include page numbers.**

What's Due?
If you are having trouble submitting your Snapshot of Images Assignment, here is a video to walk you through the process. Do NOT close out of the page before you get the green checkmark.

Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing any links or submitting your assignments. Remember that I am available via email (amanda.egbert@cobbk12.org) and through Remind.