Wireless Network:
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) wireless network for staff and students is CCSDWireless. Make sure all students who bring their personal devices register on the new CCSDWireless network. Support information can be found here: http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/instructionaltechnology/IL/CCSDWireless/CCSDWireless.aspx
Office 365 for all students:
BYOD Wireless Passwords for 2018-19:
CCSDWireless: cobb2019
CCSDGuests: guest1234
Office 365 for all students:
To sign on to Office 365 from Home:
Username: firstname.lastlame@students.cobbk12.org
Password: your media center password
All CCSD students (K-12) will have access to the Office 365 digital tools suite unless a parent previously selected the opt-out decision. If a parent wants to confirm student access and/or ascertain their student’s Office 365 username, they can locate this information via ParentVue (https://parentvue.cobbk12.org).